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Lady Mystic? Who is she? Could she be a powerful Medium or Philosopher, an expert in Self Discovery and Personal Growth? Nope. Sorry. Lady Mystic is just an ordinary person like you that has taken on the journey of determining what I want from life, what it wants from me and an understanding of how to make my life fulfilling and happy. My journey has just started I am discovering and learning more about myself everyday some of it can be hard to face but I have learned that the most important thing is to believe and trust in yourself cause that is one person that will never let you down and will stand by you through thick and thin.

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NATO vapenindustrin har judiska klovner. De är mesta vällvilliga att vara nyttbara som Anna ARDIN'

NATO vapenindustrin har judiska klovner. De är mesta vällvilliga att vara nyttbara som Anna ARDIN's begagnade kondomer...
- Det är av ju ett komplett system med både kunder och marknadsidkare figurer...
- Det syns ju; här på blodiga secenen spelar flera aktörer sina roller... Som rollerband kommer de ur Rosenbad bordellen, både uniformerade och civiltiklädda prostituerade horungar liksom XXX

- Skolverket studerade detta ovanstående fotot och samtliga bluffprofessorer blev överens om att den judiska kungen på fotot är monterat...
- Om den prostituerade manliga hooran är inte Kalle Gulle, vad skulle det stå för?
- Det är min penix; eftersom judiska kungen Calle Gulle saknar hjärna i övre delen av kroppen då monterades min penix på den stående profilen...
- ?! ?! ?!

- Det kan vara sant; liknar!
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It's no strange, in such satellite country kills children brutally and police catch only 1% criminals because of corruption and their Freemasonry Jewry chiefs are the member of same sect BREDVID BREIVIK


War Porn: The New Safe Sex

Like porn, war porn cannot exist without being based on a lie - a crude representation. But unlike porn, war porn is the real thing; unlike crude, cheap snuff movies, people in war porn actually die - in droves.

War porn: The new safe sex
By Pepe Escobar on March 30, 2012

(This is the much-abridged version of a conference at the XII Seminar of Political Solidarity at the University of Zaragoza, Spain, March 27, 2012.)

The early 21st century is addicted to war porn, a prime spectator sport consumed by global couch and digital potatoes. War porn took the limelight on the evening of September 11, 2001, when the George W Bush administration launched the "war on terror" - which was interpreted by many of its practitioners as a subtle legitimization of United States state terror against, predominantly, Muslims.

This was also a war OF terror - as in a manifestation of state terror pitting urban high-tech might against basically rural, low-tech cunning. The US did not exercise this monopoly; Beijing practiced it in Xinjiang, its far west, and Russia practiced it in Chechnya.

Like porn, war porn cannot exist without being based on a lie - a crude representation. But unlike porn, war porn is the real thing; unlike crude, cheap snuff movies, people in war porn actually die - in droves.

The lie to finish all lies at the center of this representation was definitely established with the leak of the 2005 Downing Street memo, in which the head of the British MI6 confirmed that the Bush administration wanted to take out Iraq's Saddam Hussein by linking Islamic terrorism with (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction (WMD). So, as the memo put it, "The intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."

In the end,