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Lady Mystic? Who is she? Could she be a powerful Medium or Philosopher, an expert in Self Discovery and Personal Growth? Nope. Sorry. Lady Mystic is just an ordinary person like you that has taken on the journey of determining what I want from life, what it wants from me and an understanding of how to make my life fulfilling and happy. My journey has just started I am discovering and learning more about myself everyday some of it can be hard to face but I have learned that the most important thing is to believe and trust in yourself cause that is one person that will never let you down and will stand by you through thick and thin.

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The right questions. . .?

I have a guy that I like and he's always given me a good vibe. I always feel very safe around him. I've had crushes and things before, but I always feel like I know what he's thinking and I turn out to be right. I get a weird thing with the hairs on the back of my neck when he's looking at me, and my friends all tell me I should ask him if he likes me. I want to know, but how do I tell him I like him, how do I ask him if he likes me, and how do I explain these things I've been experiencing if we do end up going out? I haven't had very many serious boyfriends and I really think this guy could be a keeper. Oh yeah, and do these things have anything to do with a psychic ability? Thanks!

Re: The right questions. . .?

I don't know how old you are but these feelings I feel should not be ignored, even if you ask him and he does not feel the same way at least you have been true to yourself.
As far as asking the right questions I think depends on the person if he is a shy person to much emotion at once could cause him to withdraw. If you are friends with this person and want to see if there could be more, just talk with him, explain that you feel connected to him. As him if enjoys spending time with you etc. If you get this type of reaction from him chances are he feels it and knows you like him but maybe just to afraid to approach you. My feeling is that if you get these vibes from him, then he is the one putting them out there.
If you are not friends and you are admiring him from a far you need to take the first step and just get to know him be friendly and open if he is interested he will respond positively and you can take it from there, go slow especially if you are young as one thing I have learnt is not only do we change but the things we want and need from relationships change too, so be patient find out what the person is really like first and make sure your feeling are true and not just bases on sexual attraction, etc.
As far as if your feels are physic, it could be but I think intuition is probably a better term and a good strong intuition is valuable. In my experience I have found my intuition to seldom leads you astray. I believe it is a way that our guides try to guide us and assist us in our journey of self. Fear is the killer as nothing is worst then letting an opportunity past you and never knowing what could have been.

All the best to you and your journey.

Lady Mystic