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Lady Mystic? Who is she? Could she be a powerful Medium or Philosopher, an expert in Self Discovery and Personal Growth? Nope. Sorry. Lady Mystic is just an ordinary person like you that has taken on the journey of determining what I want from life, what it wants from me and an understanding of how to make my life fulfilling and happy. My journey has just started I am discovering and learning more about myself everyday some of it can be hard to face but I have learned that the most important thing is to believe and trust in yourself cause that is one person that will never let you down and will stand by you through thick and thin.

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Lost my love forever

Hello lady mystic.. Just wanted to share my unhappiness.. I ruin my relationship and friendship with someone I love very much.. Mainly cause I wasn't honest to myself or her. I lied, disrespected and decieved.. I learned about spirituality, and balance and just living life to the fullest from her.. Now I suffer cause I didn't appreciate a good woman.. I do anything to at least have her friendship but as far as she's concerned I'm dead... I've dedicated my time to being true to myself, I'm on a journey to inner happiness and spirituality.. I'm trying to accept my lost I have no choice at least I'm gonna learn from the experience and become a better person because of my lost.
With angel's

Re: Lost my love forever


I understand your pain and love is never easy. I think you are doing the best thing you can for yourself. If the relationship was meant to be you will find your way back to each other if not well you will just be that much wiser in the future. Part of our journey in life is to learn lessons some are harder then others and if we can learn from these and move on we grow if not we continue to follow the pattern until we understand what we need to learn. The fact that you have realized that you treated her badly, disrespect her etc. means to me that you are just that much further ahead of the game.

Congratulation and all the best in your journey to self.

Lady Mystic