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Lady Mystic? Who is she? Could she be a powerful Medium or Philosopher, an expert in Self Discovery and Personal Growth? Nope. Sorry. Lady Mystic is just an ordinary person like you that has taken on the journey of determining what I want from life, what it wants from me and an understanding of how to make my life fulfilling and happy. My journey has just started I am discovering and learning more about myself everyday some of it can be hard to face but I have learned that the most important thing is to believe and trust in yourself cause that is one person that will never let you down and will stand by you through thick and thin.

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Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read my post!

I've been doing a yoga chakra meditation by Alan Finger for a while now, and I love it. However, I can't focus on meditation when I'm in extreme physical pain or mental anguish. I have RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy), MS (multiple sclerosis) as well as mental health issues.

Does anyone have any suggestions on natural ways to treat severe pain?

I've asked for books and dvds for Christmas on aromatherapy, self-accupressure, and chakra color meditation. (Though I doubt I'll get any of them).

Any other ideas?

I'd appreciate any advice anyone can give me. I've always been a pretty spirital person, but I've never really delved deeply into these alternatives.

Also, I can't really do much yoga anymore because of my physical limitations.

Thanks for reading!
