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Online Support Group for mums without their children

Non Resident Mums Australia
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Would you be willing to sign your name to a register as a 'lost' parent...

Hi everyone,
I am a 42 yr old parent of 2 girls, only one living with me for the last 3 years, the other lives 5 minutes away & I've had NO contact with her (and no court order to say so). I have 3 years experience in Syd Mag Court and Syd Fam Court, ICL's, Doc's intervention, 4 expert reports etc etc... oh, and over $100K gone...

My question relates to seeking interest from all 'Australian' Target Parents of Alienated children to register their names and some details on a list both for 'Joining Arms' purposes, and also for an alienated child to 'Find You'.

The 'Joining Arms' idea is about alot of things:
1. that we can really get to know the 'numbers' of those in our own position right across Australia

2. To create a supportive community, one Central Community for Australia, with links to all the wonderful and helpful sites and blogs available.

3. We can work together to get those wonderful (O.S)over sea's experts out here teaching our therapists and officers of Doc's and the courts... AND HELP CREATE a sanctuary for our tortured children to become free to love us again

4. We can petition with a stronger force, and show (them) what is occurring under their noses.

5. We can show that we are bigger than our gender wars... that an alienater needs to be exposed, no matter what sex they are.

Please share your interest, make a quick short post and please let others know to lodge their interest. A site/blog will be up and running shortly, your joining up is essential, and your wonderful blogs and web sites need to all LINK IN.

WE CAN ALL MAKE THAT DIFFERENCE IF WE JOIN TOGETHER.. I feel we all have great hearts and want to make a difference, but we are all so dispersed.

LETS G E T S E R I O U S.. & L O U D E R!!

Kindness and Patience to you all.

Re: Would you be willing to sign your name to a register as a 'lost' parent...

I would be willing to add my signature. I am a 47yr old mum of two children that have been abducted and not by their father, he would never do that. I am fighting in the Family Law Court in Tasmania and I live in NSW. It seems everyone is against me, I have done nothing wrong. I have not hurt my children in any way. This is a vexacious attack and one of vengence. These people are getting away with it. The people that have my children have a lengthy criminal background inclusive of child sexual assault x 4 counts with full penetration of a child under the age of 10yrs old. The court knows this and allows my children to stay where they are even though the family report states very clearly that my chldren are at significant risk of sexual abuse.

Re: Would you be willing to sign your name to a register as a 'lost' parent...

Hi there...
Please visit my page, comment where you can.
Parental alienation is about turning your children against you due to false abuse allegations..
I look forward to connecting with you there.
