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David Van Os

I am honored to call David & Rachel Van Os personal friends. I am honored to be helping his campaign for Place 9, Texas Supreme Court.

The Texas Democrat2 Yahoo list just announced that the San Antonio newspaper has endorsed David's opponent, Justice Scott Brister, labeling him as a "conservative." Justice Brister is really a reactionary. It is well known that he got away with posting the 10 Commandments in his courtroom. It is well known that he throws out jury verdicts against large corporations, and that he manipulates appellate rules to make it hard for the little guy to affirm jury verdicts in his favor. Such a judge is not fair and impartial. David Van Os will be fair and impartial, and begin to restore balance to Texas's highest civil court, which now is totally controlled by the tort reform lobby.

Dave Haigler,
former Republican religious-right conservative
currently proudly serving as Taylor County Democratic Chair
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