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Thank you???

Hi all,

OK, have left my name on, please be kind in your replies..... . Am I being unreasonable? The word is thank you, right? What is the point in teaching the children 'ta' only to then turn round in two years time and then tell them it's thank you . I know we all have our different ways, but surely we should be encouraging their language development, not taking a sidestep around certain words. Phew! do you know I feel better just getting it off my chest. Spent all morning listening to 'ta...'. It's thank you!!! Somebody agree with me. PLEASE

Re: Thank you???

I agree with you! Do you mean that the staff are encouraging the children to say "Ta"? If so, perhaps you could nicely point out to them that it is just as easy to say "Thank you".

If the children have been taught this at home, then it is more difficult. However, I suppose you could look at it that it is good that they are saying "Thank you" at all - a lot of them do not automatically say it!

Re: Thank you???

I do prefer Thank you! I was the same with Gee Gee for Horse! it would drive me nuts when my Mother in Law would insist on saying this to my children!

For some reason,at aged 3, my eldest son replaced the word milk for dagar! Now don't ask me why I have no idea, but I had to purposefully remind myself to say milk instead of humouring him and saying Dagar! It is still a bit of a family joke now that he is 20!

Re: Thank you???

The other staff are encouraging them to say 'ta'. In fact one time, I was asking an older child to say 'thank you' and another member of staff corrected me and said 'say ta'. . Maybe it's just me getting too old, but I really cannot see the point in teaching the children gee-gee, choo-choo etc. Especially as a lot of it is particular to where you live. I'm from the south and didn't have a clue what my in-laws were talking about when they were pointing out a 'dick-dick' to my niece. (It's a bird ). I have gently voiced my opinion on this, discreetly, but like I said I got corrected in front of others. Oh well, at least I know I'm not on my own.


Re: Thank you???

Try a speech therapist saying to a child -horsey!!!!!!!! She did say she would remember in my class but how stupid is that to a child having difficulty talking!

Re: Thank you???

Sorry I was so cross my message doesn't make much sense! I asked the speech therapist not to use such terms as horsey or moo cow in my class.....I was very polite....(through gritted teeth) ..and she said she would remember in future!

Re: Thank you???

the foundation curriculum says to use 'please and thank you' or at least that is what I point out to parents!

Re: Thank you???

I totally agree!

Why teach children twice?

Its a cow that says MOO! Its a train that makes a Choo Choo noise.
Dickey bird! where did that one come from?
Doggy, horsey etc. why make words longer than they need to?

The one that I most dislike is 'Ba Ba'. I don't know if this is just a northern thing or not, people say it instead of baby or child!

Re: Thank you???

Have to disagree on this one can't see whats wrong with using ta for the smaller children, as they get older start to bring in thankyou!!, also learnt this on a SEN course to start with say 'doggy' 'moo cow' and then when they grasp the word et. bring in 'dog' 'cow says moo' etc.

Re: Thank you???

I too have no problem with 'moo cow' as at least it contains the word cow! now if it was 'moo moo' i would think that more of a problem

Re: Thank you???

I think it depends on how old the children are. If they are babies who are just learning to speak it is easier for them to say 'ta' than 'thank you' and u don't want them to feel embarrassed if they can't say the full words. Children make up their own language anyway & most will learn to say 'ta' before they can say 'thank you'.